Peche Zavarce Would be a Soccer Player if Not an Actor
(Peche Zavarce sería un jugador de fútbol si no fuera actor)
We already knew this... but just in case you were wondering.
Reinaldo Peche Zavarce was asked what he would be doing if he wasn't an actor... and his answer was... SOCCER!
He said he'd be playing the sport if not for acting.
We hear he is REALLY good on the field!
Esto ya lo sabiamos... pero si no lo sabias tu.
A Reinaldo Peche Zavarce le preguntaron que estuviera haciendo si no fuera actor... y su respuesta fue... FUTBOL!
Dijo que estaria jugando el deporte si no hubiera sido actor.
Nos cuentan que tiene MUCHO talento en la cancha!
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